Breakfast Club

Pontllanfraith Primary is very fortunate to have a breakfast club on the premises that begins at 8:30a.m. The children are supervised until the start of the school day, taking part in a variety of activities and enjoying a healthy breakfast at no cost - just complete a registration form (available from the school office). Last entry to breakfast club is 8:50am. Please note that parents should accompany children to Breakfast Club and should not leave children unattended in the yard before 9:05am as there will be no member of staff on duty to supervise.

Breakfast has long been recognised as the most important meal of the day and evidence suggests that children who have the opportunity to eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast prior to the start of the school day are more likely to achieve their full educational potential.

The Welsh Assembly Government made a commitment to provide for all children of primary school age registered in maintained primary schools in Wales to have a free breakfast.

All breakfasts offered are healthy and consistent with the Primary School Free Breakfast Initiative guidance.

The breakfast offered includes a choice of four food groups: -

If you would like to register your child for Breakfast Club provision in 2022/23 please contact the school office.